我们的树木修剪计划是电力输送系统的一个组成部分. We work diligently to manage vegetation growth along each circuit on our system every three to four years. This Planned Cycle Maintenance helps us minimize outages from vegetation growing into equipment or the potential risks for falling onto equipment. 在循环结束时,我们重新开始.
NES follows the lateral pruning method developed by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and approved by the National Arborist Association, 国家植树节基金会和地铁树木条例.
Lateral pruning leaves the overall structure of the tree stronger and more resistant to high winds and heavy ice while directing future growth away from NES equipment. NES不提倡“拔尖”或“绕过”修剪不当行为. These are discouraged because they leave the tree weakened and susceptible to insects and disease.过剩修剪
对于道路可达的配电电路,可以允许悬挑. 在批准的地点,净空应至少高于主要高度15英尺. 对于较高电压的输电线路,不接受悬垂.“V修剪”
当高压电线穿过树木时, V-pruning may be selected to allow branches or stems on either side to grow away from the lines. 请参阅Tree Removal信息,因为这通常是此场景中的最佳选择.边修剪
在电线附近生长的树木, 我们去掉上面的树枝, 下面, or encroaching from the sides to gain the clearance necessary to account for growth during the trim cycle.你知道吗??
你知道吗?? NES通过超过5700英里的电线修剪树木. 这大约相当于纳什维尔到希腊雅典的距离.
作为公共电力供应商, NES is not obligated to notify or seek approval from individual property owners to perform planned cycle maintenance. 然而, we want you to be informed so NES utilizes several avenues to communicate with property owners before work is done. We plan post card mail outs and Interactive Voice Recordings for all customers on a circuit. 现场人员可以参与讨论, 通过电话或亲自, 计划在你的房产上进行的工作. Door hangers are left if no one answers the door during our pre-planning or work completion. We also have a dedicated 树修剪 Hotline number (615-695-7400) for all vegetation related questions.删除 & 种植
NES requires a safety maintenance zone around each pole which extends at least a ten-foot radius within which all vegetation will be removed.
When power lines are located at the side or rear of a property that are not accessible from a paved or gravel surface NES requires that all vegetation within an area five to ten feet wide (depending on line 构造ion) each side of the pole line be removed. 为了安全起见,这个区域必须远离树木或木本灌木. 该区域以外的植被将被有选择地修剪或移除.
NES will work with property owners to maintain proper clearances in landscaped areas but retains the right to remove non-compatible vegetation in landscaped areas.
生长在NES杆上的藤蔓, 长绳, or other utility equipment are not acceptable and will be addressed but will not be pulled down.
Pad Mount transformers have a sticker on the box depicting a six foot clearance for the front door and three foot clearance on each side.
A 风险树 一棵结构不健全的树是否有倒下并击中目标的危险. NES will investigate and assess a 风险树 that could strike NES equipment to determine eligibility for removal. 评估的主要因素有:- 靠近主电源的树
- 周围的地形
- 设备可访问性
- 建筑类型
- 电压分类(服务、配电、输电).
- 树干或树枝距离主电源(电线区)10英尺范围内的危险树木, is a candidate for removal and will need to be assessed by an NES Designated Representative (NESDR) to determine if the tree should be removed entirely or if a safety trim* can be performed.
- Hazard trees outside 10’ of energized primary and on private property are considered the responsibility of the property owner. NES arborists may remove limbs and/or portions of the trunk that could strike NES facilities, 如果NESDR的评估显示对新能源设施的风险增加. Removal of the remaining tree and disposal of all wood debris is the responsibility of the homeowner.
- 网元不会移除服务线路附近的树木*. 房主负责树木的移除. NES will disconnect service, at no cost, to allow a private tree company to remove the tree.
Trees growing directly under or within fifteen feet of power lines are difficult to trim and retain its natural aesthetics. 在这些情况下,通常最好移除树. 将对场地和场景进行审查,以确定是否纳入植树计划.
NES uses this program to promote the “Right Tree in the Right Place” and to add beauty to our neighborhoods.
自从我们的植树计划在1989年开始, NES已经种植了超过65棵,000 trees and has contributed to many thousands more plantings in the greater Nashville area through our corporate partnerships and sponsorships.

我家附近有伐木工吗?You will receive a voicemail message and/or notice on your door when crews are scheduled to work in your neighborhood. 沟通是我们植被管理项目的关键要素. 我们将在整个过程中尽一切努力让您了解情况. 如果您有任何疑问,请拨打我们的圣诞树修剪热线615-695-7400.
NES为什么要修剪树木?Our tree program is key to preventing power outages and providing you with the most reliable service possible. 自该项目启动以来,与树木有关的停电已经显著减少. 清除NES设备周围的植被有助于保护我们的工人和公众的安全.
树木是怎样修剪的??我们的目标是保持树木健康,同时确保它们不会干扰电线. 了解更多关于我们的修剪指南.
修剪后的碎片谁来清理?正常修边时, 我们的承包商将从您的财产中移除和/或切碎树枝和碎片. 然而, NES不会清除风暴造成的树木碎片, 树木或肢体故障或用于紧急恢复电力. 工作人员可能需要砍伐折断和连根拔起的树木来修复我们的线路, 但清除杂物是业主的责任.
NES会砍树吗?直接生长在电线下面或靠近电线的树木很难修剪. 在某些情况下,最好将树移走. 树木移除的候选人将根据个人情况进行评估. Please contact the tree trimming hotline at 615-695-7400 if you have concerns about a tree near the power lines.
我应该在哪里种树以避免未来的问题?树木长到不同的高度. Before planting, visualize the height and spread of a mature tree in relation to nearby power lines. 遵守我们的最小种植许可,以避免将来修剪树木.
国家绿化局能合法地修剪树木吗?田纳西州法院支持公用事业公司修剪和移除树木的权利, 在通行权范围内和之外. 根据1935年的市政发电厂法和地铁宪章, 附录3, 第四十二条, NES有购买的权力, 构造, maintain and improve the electric system and to "do all acts and things necessary and convenient" to carry out the power given.
NES会在我的财产上修剪周围的灯吗?NES only trims for necessary maintenance on street or private lights as well as the secondary lines that serve them. NES不为浅色图案修剪.
如果有其他问题,我可以联系谁?拨打我们的圣诞树修剪热线615-695-7400(周一至周五上午7:30).m. 到下午3:30.m.).